もう一つの男性バージョンは、Kitiski(Katie)という米国在住の方がアップされていますが、歌っているのはRoy Galloway。
Why it shines so beautifully? Because behind it’s where you hide.
All the yearning that I feel, for the many lights I see.
Is all because the warmth that they give, reminds me so much of you.
Let our journey start from here, with a slice of bread you baked.
Everything that you’ll need in your bag, all you’ll need to take.
My father left for me this flaming soul I feel.
My mother gave to me this heart with truth I seek.
As the world will make its turn, it will hide you as it might.
All the twinkle in its eyes, all the sparkle of it’s light
As the world will make its turn, it will take you on its wings
One day I know we’ll finally see, on its wings, yes you and I.
Let our journey start from here, with a slice of bread you baked.
Everything that you’ll need in your bag, all you’ll need to take.
My father left for me this flaming soul I feel.
My mother gave to me this heart with truth I seek.
As the world will make its turn, It will hide you as it might.
All the twinkle in its eyes, all the sparkle of it’s light
As the world will make its turn, it will take you on its wings
One day I know we’ll finally see, on its wings, yes you and I.
Roy Gallowayが歌っている歌詞は、Kitiskiさんによれば以下の通りです。韻を踏んでなかなかのできだと思います。この歌詞、違うとの指摘もありますが、・・。Map →Lampだけ直しておきました。
In the distance there’s a light
In your eyes there is a glow
And it’s you that’s there I know
While the light that is so bright
It’s because with all their lies
Their trying to hide you from me
But I’m still be there to set you free
Yes the time for me has come
To set out on my way
Loaf of bread, knife and lamp in my bag
I’m setting out today
I’m taking along with me
Dad’s determined mind
While watching over me
Is mom’s sweet eyes so kind
And the earth goes round and round
To the rhythm of your sigh
In search of you I’m bound
And just a sparkle of your eyes
So the earth goes round and round
While sailing through the sky
In no time at all you shall be found
I’ll bring you out of your disguise
Yes the time for me has come
To set out on my way
Loaf of bread, knife and lamp in my bag
I’m setting out today
I’m taking along with me
Dad’s determined mind
While watching over me
Is mom’s sweet eyes so kind
I’ll be with you everyday
As you travel on your way
To a new time
I’m taking along with me
Dad’s determined mind
While watching over me
Is mom’s sweet eyes so kind
I’m taking along with me
Dad’s determined mind
While watching over me
Is mom’s sweet eyes so kind
Kimi wo Nosete , by Kitiski
Source: YouTube, “Kimi wo Nosete”, by Kitiski
追 記
12月公開の映画『ウルルの森の物語』 の主題歌「ウルルの唄」を歌っています。